Note: Last revised on 6th November 2022

This policy constitutes a legal agreement between you (as the user of website) and Cult Skills Edutech (as owner of website). This policy doesn't apply to third party services that are connected as links to the website. We encourage you to take the time to read this Privacy Policy as well as those of any other sites you visit, whether through a link on that site or otherwise. By using the company website, or by otherwise giving us your information on any of our social media handles, webinars or calls made by our representatives with you, you will be deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the practices and policies outlined in this privacy policy and agree to be bound by the same. You hereby permit us the collection, usage, sharing and disclosures of your information. We reserves the right to update, add, delete or discontinue portions of this policy at any time at our sole discretion.

During your use with website and engagement with other social media handles of Cult Skills, we collect different data attributes about you which includes but not limited to: any data filled by you in our forms, any data generated by your engagement patterns with us like clicking particular buttons or navigating into different pages, information that you provide directly to us via messages or email, information that you provide to us over mobile calls initiated by you or our representatives, information shared by your web browsers for e.g. location, IP, device type etc...

We use cookies to estimate usage patterns of website, understanding our audience in a better way, speeding up search results and providng best products at best prices. You must certify that you are entering right information at all places required, entering any wrong information at any different stage may result in incorrect data mapping resulting in unexpected executions of different processes resulting in seize of warranty or any claims made by us regarding deliverables or responsibilities. In case you wish to opt out of cookies you can disable it from your browser's settings. However disabling cookies will limit your experience with us and may restrict few of the features to load or perform expectedly.